IGDA Game Accessibility Special Interest Group

Angry Birds: Suggestions for Accessibility Standards

Image of Angry Birds, iOS game, where you sling shot a bird back to crash into pigs protected by flimsy structures.

Kwasi Mensa posted an interesting breakdown of some of the accessibility features of Angry Birds and a wish for standards to read up from. He also explained how difficult it has been to track down a clean set of accessibility standards for games. Perhaps the best we have so far can be found linked from this post on design tips. More will follow...



Image of a mock-up warning sign, that reads 'Warning Mosh Pit' with three people tumbling on top of one another.

Welcome one and all, to the NEW International Game Developers Association's Game Accessibility Special Interest Group Forum... And breathe. Let's just call it the GASIG Forum from now on, shall we?

Game developers, designers, players and all with an interest in removing barriers that disable people from being able to play games, are warmly encouraged to join up. Whether you are a total beginner to all this, or have been working in the field for decades, please feel free to browse around and to share thoughts, ideas and experiences. See you there?

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MLB11 The Show: Gets one-button accessible play mode

Hans Smith in MLB 2010, linked to the one-switch one-button mode he has asked for and seen included.

Really great news popped up in my inbox yesterday regarding Hans Smith one-man charm offensive to make one of his favourite PS3 games more accessible.

I could rabbit on here, but I'll simply pop you onto the first source of the news, GayGamer.net's excellent article on Sony's MLB11: The Show, so you can read it as fresh as I did.

Link via Sheri Rubin on the IGDA GASIG mailing list.

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Reflections on Game Accessibility

Mock-up image of three colour-blind tests, but with joypads within rather than numbers. The surrounding text reads, igda - perspectives newsletter - year in review.

The January 2011 IGDA Perspectives newsletter contains a two page segment on the 'game accessibility year' 2010, from my own personal perspective. If 2011 tops 2010, consider me a happy-bunny.

Big chunky thanks to the IGDA, and especially to Beth Aileen Lameman for giving Game Accessibility such great coverage.

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