IGDA Game Accessibility Special Interest Group

Game Accessibility Symbols

Three different symbols, in three different styles representing game accessibility. The first is of the Universal Symbol of Accessibility (the wheelchair user) with a joystick playing a variant of Space Invaders. The second is of Pac-Man in a wheelchair munching some dots. The third is of a hybrid large basic joypad merging into a wheelchair user.

In their on-going work to form a solid game accessibility ratings system, SpecialEffect are looking for a symbol to represent Game Accessibility. They're asking for people's thoughts on the above. Which grabs you?


Attractor accessibility usage statistics

Attractor is a free video game with special accessibility options. In its development development, AccessAble Games decided to use one of the advantages of online games to collect usage statistics to collect accessibility options usage.

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Article 31: The Right To Play

Photo from AbleGames of a young lad playing a one-switch game amongst friends and family.

"The right to play is enshrined in Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by the UK government in 1991, and most around the world (not the USA though). The government has a duty under this convention to protect and promote play opportunities for all children and young people."

See also: International Play Association; Children's Right To Play; Play England.


Xbox 360: The Avenger

N-Control's 'The Avenger' is a case that fits over any standard Xbox 360 joypad to bring controls into easier access. There's a great story at CBS Miami on the origins of this device and it enabling a young man who was unable to use a standard Xbox controller.

Link with thanks to Sheri Rubin. Added to the OneSwitch Accessible Gaming Shop.

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