Published by
on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 7:06 PM. and have jointly published a paper entitled "Gaming on a Collision Course". It's all about the financial importance of game designers taking into account an ageing gaming population. It even includes a forward from the pioneer of home video games, Ralph H. Baer (aged 88). All good stuff, and more weight to the cause.Labels: Campaigning
Published by
on at 1:39 PM. 
Chuck Bittner, a quadriplegic gamer, has started an on-line petition calling for reconfigurable controls for all games. In an ideal world, such a thing would be built into the fundamental design of all game consoles. Until then, game designers are wittingly or unwittingly disabling many players for want of such a simple feature.
Reconfigurable controls are something that the Accessible Gaming community at large has been calling for over many years (see this other IGDA GASIG Blog post). It's great to see this finally getting some very broad support. When you think about the huge range of ways that people may need to play, it seems crazy that this isn't a standard in mainstream games.
Link via: Hack a Day and KotakuLabels: Campaigning
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