IGDA Game Accessibility Special Interest Group

Top 10 Ways To Get Mainstream Game Accessibility

"Top ten ways to get mainstream game accessibility [with an audiogaming slant]:

10. Organize all the guide dog owners in the country to visit mainstream game company headquarters and have their dogs poop on the floor.
9. Kidnap the children of mainstream game company executives and hold them ransom until their games are Accessible.
8. Picket mainstream game company headquarters with Braille signs saying that they are discriminating to the blind.
7. Have every blind person in the world learn computer programming and require them to debug a line of game code before they can read an audio book.
6. Start a charity, National Association of Accessible Games, and get people to donate millions of dollars, then hire sighted programmers to develop accessible games.
5. Get all colleges to add a class of Accessible game development to all
computer programming courses.
4. Get the NFB and ACB to protest that there are not enough mainstream game accessibility.
3. Petition Stevie Wonder to be the spokesperson for mainstream game accessibility.
2. Get all blind people to send a dollar to Thomas Ward so he can finish his accessible game engine.
1. Visit the homes of mainstream game company executives and poke their eyes out."

Cribbed from Phil Vlasak's post on the Audyssey Blind Gamers Mailing list - tip via Richard Van Tol on the GASIG Mailing List.


"Spot On: The blind gaming the blind"

Grafitti art of a person adjusting their headphones. "Largely invisible to the mainstream, sightless gamers help each other tackle titles like Rock Band and Left 4 Dead, while others focus on games made for--and by--the blind."

Read the rest of Mathew Peters' superb article on blind gaming at GameSpot. Unmissable. Link via Richard Van Tol on the IGDA GASIG mailing list.


On Screen Keyboards in Games

Mock up image of SEGA's Typing of the Dead being played with an on screen keyboard.Steve Spohn has posted a fine break-down of some of the on-screen keyboards available today that may suit gamers' needs over at AbleGamers. More links to on-screen keyboard info can be found at the Accessible Gaming Shop under Text Entry Utilities.


We Love Valve!

Image of Valve staff in front of Half-Life 3.After the pioneering implementation of Closed Captions (full subtitling of dialogue as well as other important sounds) within a mainstream game, Valve are looking into incorporating a character who uses sign-language. The possibilities are huge. Reasons to be cheerful, 1, 2, 3:

Part one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2LnP3JgbM0
Part two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np5KTAm7kac
Part three: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy8xjOChxtY

Via: Richard Van Tol at GASIG e-mail list and Videojuegos Accesibles.
